Never really thought I’d see this day.

October 13, 2009

I love media and technology. I absolutely love what the web can offer us as individuals and how it dramatically enriches our lives…. if we want it to. The problem is, I’m also a bit of a non conformist with most things. I’ve always been the type that believes that because something is a trend, in fashion, or because everyone else is into it, I tend to shy away from such things. When I was in High School, Duran Duran were massive in 1982 – 84. I was probably the biggest ‘music head’ in my entire school, and I was known for it, but who were my music heros? Mostly the Beatles. Not because of the music so much, but more so their legacy. Their amazing story. What they did and how they did it. Then I discovered Kraftwerk… The Beatles of electronic music. Why? Well, it was a little more to do with the music, but also in some ways for the same reasons I admired the Beatles. Both were totally unfashionable in 1984, and hardly anyone knew who the hell Kraftwerk were in Brisbane, Australia.

So I was a bit of an oddball. Im some ways I still am. I don’t “Tweet”, rarely contribute to Facebook, and this is my very first Blog. I just feel that no one is going to be in the least bit interested in anything I have to say, and why would they bother spending the time reading anything I publish? Then there is the part of me that thinks, “If no is gonna read this, why the hell am I spending time writing it”? Unless you’re influential to many, a celeb or in the public eye in some way, what’s the big deal? Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised. I dunno.

Therefore, I am struggling with Blog enthusiasm a little. Do millions of people really spend time doing this stuff even if nobody reads it? Is this really going to enhance anyones life, or mine for that matter? I really never thought I’d see the day when I’d commit to studying for a Masters Degree either. I’ve been far too involved with what I’ve done for my whole career, which is production in broadcasting. But commit to a MA I have, and this is obviously part of the process and experience. I’m non conformist, but just as open minded, so here it is. My first blog.

By the way, during my career I’ve met and recorded interviews withPaul Mc Cartney (3 times) and Beatles producer Sir George Martin. Bet they don’t think I’m so much of an oddball now!